Deep off ONGC blacklist despite CBI inquiry Vol 21, PW 19 (28 Jun 18) People & Policy ONGC has removed Deep Industries from its tenders... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedMegha struggles to sell its CGD businesses (16 May 24) ONGC set to ban Jorhat racket physio clinic (21 Mar 24) ONGC ignores 'Medical Racket' (18 May 23) Police ease pressure on ONGC Nazira officers (23 Aug 18) Deep off ONGC blacklist despite CBI inquiry (28 Jun 18) Black-listed Deep competes for Assam Gas work (25 Jan 18) ONGC manager caught in Rs4 lakh bribe sting (21 Sep 17) Shashi Shanker courts controversy again (20 Apr 17) Anti-corruption probe singles out DGH officer (27 Aug 15) WHY THE OIL MINISTRY WANTS ONGC’S GOURH TO STEP DOWN (04 Aug 99)