DK Sarraf oders WiFi and 50 new PCs for PNGRB Vol 21, PW 8 (25 Jan 18) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Not only is DK Sarraf whipping city gas retailers into shape, he is also dragging the... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedSarraf's last-day 'mission' to punish Jay Madhok (17 Dec 20) Surprise in PNGRB at Pradhan's CGD-XI statement (24 Sep 20) Hunt begins to replace PNGRB chief DK Sarraf (27 Feb 20) Pradhan invokes 'Hanuman' at CGD-X inaugural (05 Sep 19) DK Sarraf celebrates smooth success of CGD-X (07 Mar 19) No more 'mad' bank guarantees for CGD areas (17 May 18) DK Sarraf to 'copy and paste' DGH roadshows (22 Feb 18) DK Sarraf oders WiFi and 50 new PCs for PNGRB (25 Jan 18) DK Sarraf on mission to revive dormant PNGRB (11 Jan 18) DK Sarraf wants to be PNGRB chairman (27 Jul 17)