MS Srinivasan might be next finance secretary Vol 10, PW 20 (08 Feb 07) News in Brief Oil secretary MS Srinivasan is talked about as one of the most efficient officers ever to have held the post in recent times.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedWork starts to find CMD for ONGC (16 Jun 22) ONGC Chmn. advert coming soon (10 Feb 22) Srinivasan admits NELP-VII confusion (15 May 08) Venezuela disrupts OVL interviews (03 Apr 08) Valentine Day interviews for MRPL (24 Jan 08) Premier issues EoI to seismic contractors for Ratna (20 Sep 07) Srinivasan transfer rumours gaining ground once again (31 May 07) MS Srinivasan might be next finance secretary (08 Feb 07) Srinivasan (possibly) next secretary after Tripathi (16 Jun 05) Six months before Talmeez Ahmed moves to oil ministry (26 Jan 05)