Scandal brews as MGL fails to meet Raigad target Vol 23, PW 1 (31 Oct 19) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables With hardly five months left, Mumbai-based Mahanagar Gas is fully expected to miss its... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedMore CNG stations promise by MGL (08 Aug 24) All smiles as Mahanagar Gas sales surge ahead (30 May 24) GAIL boss Karnatak takes aim at MGL brain drain (14 Nov 19) Scandal brews as MGL fails to meet Raigad target (31 Oct 19) Impossible CGD targets pile pressure on GAIL (07 Feb 19) Mahanagar Gas struggles to meet Raigad target (15 Nov 18) MGL planning $46m CAPEX spend for 2018-19 (05 Apr 18) MGL leads the way with Raigad L-CNG station (22 Feb 18) MGL draws up plans for Raigad CGD network (10 Sep 15) Gujarat Gas bids Rs100cr for Thane rural (26 Mar 15)