HPCL ignores protests and carries on to schedule Vol 8, PW 14 (06 Oct 04) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Protest or no protest, work on HPCLآ’s massive 1036.4-km Mundra to Delhi products pipeline is proceeding apace.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedIndianOil plays CMD title catch-up (25 Aug 22) GSPL starts work on Chhara R-LNG pipeline (02 Jun 22) Adani Energy hikes CNG prices (19 Nov 09) Koyali to Ratlam pipeline ready in March (26 Feb 09) No truth in BG sale of MGL stake (15 Nov 07) Aiyar goes to Sakhalin for first oil production (22 Sep 05) HPCL ignores protests and carries on to schedule (06 Oct 04) Trouble ahead for Myanmar gas exports to India (16 Jul 03) But Mahanagar Gas wants to raise gas price by 10% (23 Apr 03) Enron launches propaganda blitz to counter protests (14 Mar 01)