Saurabh Chandra pitches for Boston Consulting Vol 18, PW 9 (18 Dec 14) People & Policy When pitching for a contract from ONGC it helps to have oil secretary Saurabh Chandra on your side. Boston Consulting... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedBain tops BPCL green tender (02 Nov 23) McKinsey-BCG spar for IOC mandate (14 Jul 22) Three compete for Numaligarh consultancy job (13 Jun 19) DGH wants HELP/DSF-II partner (27 Jul 17) Saurabh Chandra not interested in PNGRB (02 Jul 15) Talukdar won't get extension (21 May 15) Chandra's dilemma in P-LNG chief selection (07 May 15) Ministry: Saurabh Chandra vents frustration (12 Feb 15) Saurabh Chandra pitches for Boston Consulting (18 Dec 14) Talukdar confident about DGH extension (04 Dec 14)