Taking measures to ensure adequate LPG stockpile Vol 6, PW 24 (12 Feb 03) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables THE OIL MINISTRY has learnt some valuable lessons from the blow-out at Reliance's refinery and the resultant disruption of LPG production. ... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here Related'Switch to piped gas stoves!' argues PNGRB (19 Sep 24) HPCL pumps LPG for Modi (02 Jun 16) 'Use PNG or lose LPG subsidy!' says ministry (02 Jul 15) LPG sales will soar after abuse crackdown (22 Aug 13) Regulator can't help gas consumers until ministry acts (24 Jan 08) Consumer is 'king' under Mansingh's regulatory regime (01 Nov 07) Taking measures to ensure adequate LPG stockpile (12 Feb 03) Objections to ONGC-GAIL plan to sell their LPG (06 Nov 02) Downstream regulatory bill ready for parliament (10 Oct 01) Oil companies boycott Reliance products (15 Sep 99)