Foreign bids welcome for Panipat hydrogen Vol 27, PW 19 (19 Sep 24) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Faced with two failed tenders, IndianOil has finally relented and opened its Panipat... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedForeign bids welcome for Panipat hydrogen (19 Sep 24) Two bid for IOC green hydrogen (25 Jul 24) Panipat green hydrogen bids (02 May 24) More time wanted for IOC hydrogen bids (04 Apr 24) Born again - IOC hydrogen tender (21 Mar 24) IOC's green hydrogen retender (07 Mar 24) L&T bids lowest for IOC bio-ethanol EPCM job (03 May 18) Technip bids lowest for Panipat refinery HGU (01 Jun 17) Mouth-watering EPC contracts imminent at IOC (09 Feb 17) IOC launches programme to hike ‘refinery yields’ (25 Feb 04)