Two $400m Chandrika development tenders Vol 27, PW 9 (02 May 24) Exploration & Production ONGC has decided to issue two separate tenders to develop three eastern offshore... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedChandrika pre-bids on Dec. 3-4 (28 Nov 24) Chandrika SPS and SURF pre-bids cancelled (31 Oct 24) Two $400m Chandrika development tenders (02 May 24) Coming soon: Chandrika tenders (21 Mar 24) RINA finishes ONGC pre-FEED (25 Jan 24) Oceanergy challenges RINA's lowest bid (05 Oct 23) RINA bids lowest for ONGC (24 Aug 23) ONGC plans $561m DSF-3 joint development (04 May 23) Wanted: consultant for three ONGC blocks (23 Mar 23) Using R-LNG from Dhamra for 3 fertiliser plants (06 Oct 16)