GAIL reverses R-LNG supply cut for customers Vol 25, PW 8 (24 Mar 22) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables GAIL's customers for R-LNG are relieved after it partially restored supplies this... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedGAIL criticised for term LNG supply cuts (22 Sep 22) GAIL cuts term R-LNG supplies by another 10% (08 Sep 22) GAIL reverses R-LNG supply cut for customers (24 Mar 22) Charotar Gas told to slash gas prices (27 Nov 08) GAIL blocking HBJ access for other gas sellers (29 Jun 06) Gallina lands at Hazira LNG terminal with more LNG (06 Oct 05) Lucky Indraprastha Gas gets more gas from GAIL (14 Jul 05) GAIL board defers move on Dahej to Uran pipeline (11 Aug 04) GAIL ready to start carrying Dahej gas through HBJ (28 Jan 04) Gujarat Gas complains about GAIL gas shortfall (24 Apr 02)