AG&P angry as IndianOil revises pipeline route Vol 23, PW 2 (14 Nov 19) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Some blame Manila-headquartered AG&P for not keeping itself informed and some blame... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedLegal precedent as IOC-AGP gas war reaches SC (13 Jun 24) APTEL tells IOC to stop R-LNG Hyundai supply (16 May 24) AG&P wins landmark ruling against PNGRB (23 Mar 23) AGP fights PNGRB in Delhi High Court (29 Jul 21) Setback for AGP as PNGRB backs P-LNG (25 Mar 21) No pipeline interest casts doubt on CGD-XI date (30 Jan 20) AG&P angry as IndianOil revises pipeline route (14 Nov 19) Anger at PNGRB pipeline decision in Karnataka (07 Feb 19) Anger in Kashmir as GSPL pipeline plan stalls (13 Jul 17) Anger at Reliance in Assam as mob attacks office (21 May 03)