CGG is L1 for ONGCآ’s 12,946-sq km 3D shoot Vol 8, PW 8 (14 Jul 04) Exploration & Production Compagnie Generale de Geophysique (CGG) of France has emerged lowest bidder for ONGCآ’s seismic tender to shoot a 12,946-sq km 3D survey across the west and east coasts of India. ... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedSeismic contractors can get good rates in India (15 Jan 15) CGG does it again in another ONGC tender for 3D (06 Sep 12) ONGC to float three seismic tenders in December (01 Dec 05) CGG wins ONGC seismic tender with $33.9m bid (20 Oct 04) LARGE wins ONGC’s 6,700-km 2D with $2.68m bid (28 Jul 04) CGG is L1 for ONGC’s 12,946-sq km 3D shoot (14 Jul 04) LARGE gets 4th extension for 3D seismic survey (28 Jan 04) ONGC delays LoI to PGS and CGG for 3D seismic contract (22 Oct 03) PGS emerges as L1 in ONGC 3D tender (24 Sep 03)