GAIL renews interest in Iran to India gas pipeline Vol 8, PW 15 (20 Oct 04) People & Policy GAIL is making a strong pitch for a major piece of the action in any future Iran to India gas pipeline through Pakistan. ... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedIranian team in Delhi for talks on SPA and pipeline (18 May 05) Looking at other opportunities in Nigeria and Angola (23 Mar 05) GSPC wants to buy all Panna, Mukta and Tapti gas (09 Feb 05) Now is the right time for a pipeline from Iran to India (03 Nov 04) GAIL renews interest in Iran to India gas pipeline (20 Oct 04) Iran wants Ram Naik to make keynote speech in Tehran (28 Jan 04) BHP begins study for Iran gas pipeline to India (22 May 02) Indian officials in Iran to talk gas imports (14 Feb 01) Gas imports from Iran back on the agenda (29 Sep 99) IF BANGLADESH WON’T SELL, IRAN WILL (24 Jul 99)