BPCL sees 100% growth in 'LNG by road' sales Vol 16, PW 2 (09 Aug 12) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables Bharat Petroleum is set to double the amount of LNG it sells by truck to customers not connected by gas pipelines... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedIndianOil wants 41 trucks for LNG by road (01 Dec 22) BPCL plans two LNG fuel stations by March 2022 (29 Jul 21) LNG: Truck sales hit as factories switch to LPG (12 Mar 15) 'CNG back in the game' for Adani in Ahmedabad (03 Jul 14) BPCL and INOX target Kochi market for LNG by road (13 Feb 14) BPCL sees 100% growth in 'LNG by road' sales (09 Aug 12) Why some ceramics producers think LNG is cheap fuel (17 Apr 08) BPCL unable to start selling LNG by road tanker (03 Apr 08) Growing market for LPG car fuel excites Indian Oil (26 Jan 06) Gas focus for Bharat Petroleum over next five years (11 Aug 05)