GAIL starts work on Punjab-Kashmir pipeline Vol 26, PW 21 (05 Oct 23) Midstream, Downstream, Renewables GAIL has begun a route survey and is hunting for a project consultant to complete the... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedH-Energy to commission FSRU by May 2022 (16 Dec 21) GAIL Gas plans $274m CGD spend in 'snake haven' (31 Oct 19) Lawyers running against time before first D6 gas (21 Aug 08) GAIL downsizes Kochi to two-man office (24 Jul 08) Winning a court battle is not enough to secure gas (01 May 08) GAIL begins work for parallel HBJ pipeline to Delhi (09 Aug 07) Slow repair work for Sea Drill-5 (04 May 06) Still no gas transport deal between Shell and GAIL (11 Aug 04) GAIL ready to start carrying Dahej gas through HBJ (28 Jan 04) Winning the battle to build a gas pipeline in Gujarat (12 Feb 03)