Uncertain response to onland 3D tender from ONGC Vol 10, PW 7 (27 Jul 06) Exploration & Production This monthآ’s ONGC tender for onland 3D seismic might be the largest ever of its kind but first indications are that seismic contractors are lukewarm.... Buy this article forRs590 $9 For a 30-article or annual subscription rates click here RelatedHope for Pundi gas as ministry relaxes rules (25 Mar 21) ONGC extends TZ seismic bid deadline (10 Aug 17) Tag shadow hangs over ONGC vessels tender (01 Jun 17) ONGC ignores IOT at 3D contractor meeting (04 Jun 15) Just two bids for ONGC broadband 3D (22 May 14) NTPC to spend $37.62m on new Gujarat block (11 Feb 10) Eight firms bid for ONGC onland rig tender (14 Jun 07) Chinese participation in tender raises security concerns (27 Jul 06) Alpha Geo is only Indian company that can do 3D (04 May 06)